2024.05.23 (목)

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"Dreams don't have age." A beautiful doctor who always dreams of challenging himself.(조성재 부산혜민요양병원 원장)
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"Dreams don't have age." A beautiful doctor who always dreams of challenging himself.(조성재 부산혜민요양병원 원장)

Special episode, "Beautiful Companion, Warm Story".
I visited Cho Sung-jae, director of Hyemin Nursing Hospital in Busan.

"Challenge continues". Act 2 of life is a beautiful doctor.


Special episode, "Beautiful Companion, Warm Story".

I visited Cho Sung-jae, director of Hyemin Nursing Hospital in Busan.




<Photo Explanation> Cho Sung-jae, director of Busan Hyemin Nursing Hospital (left of the photo), was awarded the 2019 Korea Grand Prize (Medical Service and Health Care Development Division) co-hosted by the Korea Broadcasting Newspaper Association and the Asian Freedom Youth Federation.



(The Power Interview) Reporter Kim Dae-sik = Born as the eldest son of seven brothers in a very poor country house, he suffered another difficult barley hump during the Korean War.


At that time, when everyone was having a hard time, they had a harsh time with many families and difficult family circumstances, but the boy did not lose his dream. It was such a poor and difficult time that I filled my stomach with tap water because there were many days when I couldn't even take my lunch box, let alone my monthly fees for school.


In order to become a doctor in a difficult environment, he overcame difficult times by raising his childhood dreams and visited Director Cho Sung-jae, who leads today's Busan Hyemin Nursing Hospital with a spirit of bloody self-management, development, and constant challenge. Busan Hyemin Nursing Hospital, located in Beomil-dong, Dong-gu, Busan, is a 2,910building with a floor space of 545, and is well known as a major hospital for treating senile diseases that satisfies the hospital's customized treatment and friendly services.


The road from Beomil Station on Busan Line 1 to the hospital coexists with modern and past elements, so there are quite a few interesting attractions. The road to the hospital exudes an old feeling as if riding a time machine back to the past. The old train railroad tracks with an old atmosphere past high-rise buildings showing off their sophistication and Cloud Bridge, which became famous for the movie Friends, are also very impressive. In addition, the winding narrow alleys, power poles, makgeolli cannon shops and used bookstores that quenched the thirst for joy and knowledge of the common people, and old neighborhood barbershop, bathhouses, and Halmae Gukbapjip catch my eyes and feet.


Geriatric disease, intensive care hospital for critically ill patients.

Customized clinics such as stroke, dementia, and terminal cancer.


Busan Hyemin Nursing Hospital is currently a nursing medical institution certified by the Ministry of Health and Welfare representing the eastern region and is making remarkable progress along with providing various medical services tailored to the patient's eye level. I first heard the introduction of the hospital from Director Cho Sung-jae.


Director Cho explained, "Our hospital provides customized clinic operation and systematic medical services through various programs such as intensive treatment of elderly diseases and critically ill patients, especially stroke, dementia, terminal cancer patients, and chronic diseases." He then said, "We aim to become a safe hospital for patients and guardians who do not need a guardian because high-quality caregivers take care of them 24 hours a day so that patients can receive treatment and treatment in a peaceful atmosphere." He also said, "We are doing our best to treat and psychological stability elderly patients with solid professionals such as internal medicine, orthopedics, pain medicine, radiology, and clinical pathology rooms, physical therapy rooms, program treatment rooms, and nursing rooms."

Patients are satisfied with the use of high-quality ingredients.

Create a hygienic and pleasant hospital environment.

Recently, there have been many confirmed cases of COVID-19 in various nursing hospitals nationwide. In addition to hospital quarantine, the food patients eat at the hospital and the hospital environment are important, so I asked what measures they had. In response, Director Cho said, "For the immune system of patients, we need to use safe and high-quality food materials, especially the food that patients eat," and emphasized, "We need to improve the quality of the daily diet that patients or employees eat."


Thanks to Director Cho's strong policy, hospitals are receiving very good responses from patients and employees for providing much better food than before COVID-19. In addition, the hospital's indoor temperature is raised to prevent colds, and employees' COVID-19 tests are also conducted twice a week. Fortunately, there have been no confirmed cases of COVID-19 yet due to fever checks, wearing masks, and thorough personal hygiene, but we are doing our best to do everything the hospital can.


Recently, public interest in ways to increase immunity due to COVID-19 is high. Therefore, hospitals are also emphasizing proper exercise, high-quality meals, and sufficient sleep for good lifestyle habits to increase immunity.


Efforts to deal with medical treatment at the level of the elderly.

Thorough fire safety education and great help in preventing fires.


Director Cho thinks a lot from the patient's perspective, such as the patient's psychological state, while looking at treatment for patients or the elderly. We are trying to approach first and greet you with a warm heart and ask for the patient's inconvenience to solve it as much as possible. It is also striving for the safety, hygiene, and cleanliness of adult gods. Along with this, we are sparing no cost to maintain pleasant and warm air conditioning and heating by season. In particular, Director Cho said, "Elderlies are more likely to develop pneumonia just by catching a cold. Moreover, hospitals are places where patients spend most of their time and should always be a pleasant and hygienic environment for the health of their employees." Busan Hyemin Nursing Hospital was being upgraded to a more comfortable hospital not only in the hospital environment but also in the patient's mind.


Director Cho is especially special in fire safety education, such as preventing fire in hospitals. Safety education is provided five times a month during the day and late at night. Hospitals are multi-use facilities that many people visit, and many people are injured in the hospital structure in the event of a fire, so all employees in the bay should be trained repeatedly so that they can respond calmly.


I'll save this desperate emergency patient.

Special history as a school teacher and doctor.  


There was something rewarding as a doctor while taking care of the patient. Director Cho was temporarily on duty in the emergency room at Ulsan Korea Hospital, when he was a first-time doctor. At that time, the patient was stabbed by a broken glass bottle and had to take a patient who had a neck artery to a large hospital in Busan. However, Director Cho, who judged that the patient would soon die before going to Busan, introduced that the most memorable time was when he finally saved the patient by grabbing blood vessels directly with hemostatic tongs.


Director Cho is currently taking care of patients as a lifelong doctor, but he has a special experience of teaching for five years in elementary school and three and a half years in high school a long time ago. After graduating from Busan Commercial High School, Director Cho passed the quasi-teacher qualification examination at the elementary school, spent five years as a teacher at Ulsan Boksan Elementary School, passed the secondary school quasi-teacher history exam, and taught at Chosun University for four years. The late president Park Chul-woong, then founder of Chosun University, paid attention to a person named Cho Sung-jae, who dreamed of becoming a future doctor as a teacher who came to Gwangju, Jeolla-do from outside Gyeongsang-do to teach students. Director Cho Sung-jae, who was born as the eldest son of a family in need of family circumstances and read day and night while saving money to escape the responsibilities of family members such as brothers and terrible poverty. The world is clearly up to those who dream. In the end, he must graduate from Chosun University's Graduate School of Medicine and pass the doctor's office to achieve his dream of becoming a doctor.


I have a goal to achieve as a doctor.

Treatment of patients and relationships with medical staff are important.


He was born as the eldest son of a poor family, where poverty was embedded in his bones, and thought a lot about a more stable job in the future. In particular, he said that he had a lifelong goal as a doctor, such as the treatment of people who were more difficult than him, marginalized and sick in our society, and poor neighbors.


With the 14th anniversary of the hospital's opening this year, Busan Hyemin Nursing Hospital is making remarkable progress. Director Cho Sung-jae said, "It is the medical staff and staff who are closest to patients or the elderly who are hospitalized, spending time, and the current hospital is the credit of all 100 employees."


Director Cho also stressed that the relationship between the hospital and the medical staff, which patients or guardians can trust and entrust with confidence, is also very important. Director Cho's work is to first do his best anywhere by overcoming the difficulties caused by COVID-19. Regarding the current hospital operation policy or goal, the entire hospital emphasized a total care system in which the hospital operates organically well, including the best treatment, comfortable and satisfied facilities for patients, and friendly administration.


The location of the movie "Friend" has good access to hospitals such as transportation.

It's famous as a popular tourist destination for movie fans and outsiders.

During the interview, I changed the subject to the story of the movie Friends, which recorded a big hit in 2001, to briefly change the atmosphere. The actual filming locations such as Alley Road and Cloud Bridge in the movie are located close to the hospital, so I was interested in movies. Beomil-dong, where the hospital is located, has filmed so many places that the entire city center can be called a "friend" filming location.


Director Cho introduced that although the atmosphere is not the same now due to COVID-19, there are many attractions around the hospital that stimulate the old atmosphere and nostalgia, and many movie fans and tourists visit from outside.


Based on a true story of a criminal organization in Busan, director Kwak Kyung-taek grabbed a megaphone and starred Yoo Oh-sung and Jang Dong-gun, recording a huge hit. Clouds Bridge, which appears in the movie, is a bridge featuring four friends, and there are also movie monuments and large posters, so many movie lovers visit and take commemorative photos. Just below the overpass, the Gyeongbu Line railroad is also straight like a scene from a movie.


"Friend" is a so-called representative movie of old men's memories, and numerous hit movies and popular dramas such as "Old Boy," "War on Crime," "Lawyer," and "Kind Geumja" were filmed in Busan. With the Busan International Film Festival held splendidly every year, "Hangdo" Busan now boasts its status and aspect as an international film city.


If you head out of the overpass and head to a bigger street, you can stop by Hyundai Department Store and Jewelry Street to enjoy shopping, stop by Beomil Alley Market, and enjoy the 7080 atmosphere while soothing your hungry stomach. In addition to the filming location of the movies "The Man From Nowhere," "Wind," and "Unmannered Things," there are many interesting attractions such as "Friend's Street," "My Sister's Road," and "Shoes Museum," so it is a must-recommendation place for travelers.


Like "Friends" in the movie, a loyal Busan manly man style.

The secret to health is walking every day, golf every week, and go. I think it's double speed.


Throughout the interview, I felt like a friend in the movie "Friend" in Director Cho's speech and face, as well as the unique force of a Busan man who was united into "loyalty," and even a warm human being throughout the interview. The late President Roh Moo Hyun was close enough to call each other "brother" and "brother" before President Roh was elected between the Busan Appellate Line and his juniors.


Director Kim Mi-sook, who met briefly for a photo shoot, said, "I have been serving the director for 11 years, but he is really loyal and always practices what he said." In particular, he said, "He is like a manly man who cares about employees like a family and thinks about employees first in any crisis." That's why he said he could see the director's efforts.


Now, the lifespan of modern people is remarkable development in self-health care, science, and medicine, and now they are looking beyond the age of 100 to the age of 120. What is a doctor's happy old age that is likely to be very different from the general public? As a senior doctor, I want to live my life actively through self-development, good use of leisure, and social service activities.

Director Cho Sung-jae, who is enjoying a healthier life than anyone else.


For Director Cho, who is constantly developing and challenging himself over the years, 75 years old is just a number these days. I asked him about his usual exercise and health secrets.


His answer was so ordinary. He introduced that it is actually very helpful for health with the goal of walking for 30 minutes a day and walking for more than an hour and a half on Sundays. "Reporter, walk for more than 30 minutes every day," he said, actively recommending walking except for important driving. He said, "There are a lot of doctors walking with exercises that anyone can easily do without spending money." In particular, he also introduced, "I enjoy golf every week, and I am rounding hard with my friends with a goal of more than five times a month." He also has great memory and energy, such as a water fight, to the extent that he probably exceeds the second tier of Go is also has great memory and energy.


Poverty can't be a temporary obstacle to success.

The diary is about your face. Make a goal every day and whip yourself.


Director Cho has been keeping a diary since January 1st, when he was 19 years old (1964). On the first day of the new year, his diary's one-year life goal and the previous day's diary contain the goals to be done today by time. The diary is Director Cho's own face, a healthy record of life, a promise with himself, and will continue in the future.


Director Cho introduced the Western quote, "It is not easy for people whose talents have been frustrated by poverty to succeed." However, he said, "You should not be frustrated or give up your life because of poverty," and stressed, "Poverty can be an obstacle to temporary entry and success, but it is not an eternal enemy."


Even in a difficult family environment, Director Cho chose a doctor to support his younger siblings as the eldest son of one son and six daughters, saving his village until he succeeded and making more efforts to bleed than others. Director Cho, who overcame many difficulties and difficulties by quenching and whipping himself for his future dream, still thinks about those difficult times and always does not lose his humble attitude.


Professor Kim Hyungseok is my role model forever.

The first step to achievement and health is the spirit of challenge. 


Kim Hyung-seok, an honorary professor of intelligence and philosopher at Yonsei University, who turned 102 this year in our age, hinted at many things by emphasizing the attitude of studying for a lifetime, saying, "To live a rewarding life, you have to raise yourself and always study and work."


Director Cho said, "Professor Kim Hyung-seok was encouraged to read Professor Kim's writings when I was a penniless youth and had nothing to eat without a job in a poor family.""50 years later, I still gain courage, hope, and wisdom by looking at the writings and appearance of a healthy professor," he said, introducing that he is a role model of life. Like Arnold Toynbee, who argued that the development of human civilization lies in the spirit of human challenge, director Cho's life is a series of challenges. This is why he works harder and healthier day by day.


Challenge will last forever. Until you achieve your goal.

Listening to CNN, studying Chinese, and so on.


Challenge is one's own beliefs. It's another series of challenges. Even in difficult situations, when one's strong will and perseverance are combined, the challenge is to shine as beautiful as jewels.


Director Cho once had a dream about literature. For his unfinished dream, he received a good response by contributing to a mystery novel called "Miracle of the Maple Tree" in a newspaper published by the Korean Medical Association since 1991. He also served as the editor-in-chief of the Ulsan Medical Association, his hometown, and issued "Ulsan Will."


Director Cho Sung-jae's time for challenge continues even now. He is expanding his international perspective and perspective by listening to CNN and BBS from time to time. In addition, recently, he has been focusing his new passion on studying languages and other goals in the global village, such as learning Chinese by himself and watching Chinese TV.


Director Cho, who is currently the chairman of the Busan Eastern Police Station's Foreign Affairs Advisory Committee, supports multicultural families and foreign crime prevention activities alienated by the increase in foreigners, including multicultural families. On top of that, there are many unknown sponsorships for shady and marginalized neighbors in our society, such as sponsoring them in various ways such as medical support services, and consolation events.


At the end of the interview, Director Cho told hospital staff, "If you study hard today and try hard, your life tomorrow will be easier," adding, "If you work hard in a humble manner and study for the rest of your life, the fruit of success will surely be born."


A kind hospital centered on patients.

COVID-19, overcome it wisely.


On behalf of hospital executives and employees, Kim Mi-sook, deputy director of the hospital, said, "We will strictly comply with infection control guidelines and safety rules and do our best to serve all employees so that patients and senior citizens are not anxious or uncomfortable." He then prayed with a bright smile, saying, "As these days are a very difficult time mentally and physically due to COVID-19, I hope all the elderly and the people in all nursing facilities pay more attention to health care and overcome these difficult times wisely together."


He also said, "The director is making every effort to approach not only patients but also all employees with a sincere heart rather than management principles." All employees are working with a consistent mind that takes a step closer to patients through regular friendly service training. Taken together, they are fragrant as if director Cho's usual warm sharing and teaching are ingrained in all employees' thoughts, words, and actions. This is why the sincerity of hospital staff and the efforts of hospital staff to serve patients with a filial heart like my family are trusted.


Rather than pursuing one's own interests, it is a blessed life that stands on the side of the needy and encourages them by raising them up when they are tired and exhausted. Director Cho Sung-jae, who overcame numerous difficulties with indomitable perseverance and challenges, promised himself not to give inconvenience or disadvantage to people for his small private interests. So he is still repeating his constant challenges to himself and his beautiful companionship with people.


Life is dignified and truly precious. As a talented and renowned doctor who treats patients well, if he has a human warm personality, a constant spirit of challenge and humility for learning, he deserves this respect in his true name. At this time, I wish for the health and endless development of Cho Sung-jae, director of Busan Hyemin Nursing Hospital, and employees who think of numerous patients or the elderly as my family and my brother and are dedicated to life therapy and protection. At the same time, I would like to express my gratitude and respect to many medical staff across the country who are still sweating day and night to overcome COVID-19 with a sense of mission.


Meanwhile, the Korea Broadcasting Newspaper Association (Chairman Lee Bo-gil) selected Cho Sung-jae and Busan Hyemin Nursing Hospital as "Best Hospital and Good Doctor" on January 29 and held a signboard ceremony. At the signboard ceremony held in the hospital lobby later in the day, Secretary-General Kim Dae-sik held a lifelong health care advisory committee appointment ceremony for Director Cho Sung-jae on behalf of Chairman Lee Bo-gil. The event, which was held simply in consideration of the timing and quarantine of COVID-19, was attended by Ion-san, vice chairman and artistic director of the Korea Broadcasting Newspaper Association, Kim Mi-sook, executive director, clinical administration director, and Park Ha-wook.


Director Cho Sungjae's main profile.


Born in Ulsan in 1945.

Graduated from Kyungnam Middle School and Busan Commercial High School.

Acceptance of the qualification exam for quasi-teachers at elementary schools.

Ulsan Boksan Elementary School teacher.

Acceptance of the qualification exam for a secondary school quasi-teacher.

Teacher at Chosun University's high school.

Graduated from Chosun University's medical school and graduate school.

I passed the doctor's exam. I majored in Busan Medical Center.

Acceptance of the internal medicine specialist's qualification exam.

Medical Director of Miryang Hansol Hospital.

Ulsan Medical Association's editor-in-chief.

Publishing "Ulsan Will".

A series of mystery novels by the Korean Medical Association.

Director of Busan Sasang Central Hospital.

Head of Busan Hyemin Nursing Hospital of the Indang Medical Foundation (currently)

Medical Advisory Committee member of the Korea Broadcasting Newspaper Association (currently)


2019 Person Korea Grand Prize (Medical Division)

2021 Best Hospital and Good Doctor's signboard.



[Written by Reporter Kim Daesik] [Photo by Reporter Ionsan Lee]



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